We are on vacation to see our family in Germany
The shop will be open again mid April
Thank you for your understanding

What a month!

by Sabine Schoenknecht on April 25, 2022

Hello my mustard friends!

Well, I thought I could post a recipe for you here maybe every week. But the days are running through my fingers and schwups (german expression for suddenly) - the week is gone. My apologies.

It was a very busy month - we launched our new "MustArt" Collection Box and are now busy distributing them to local shops. Hopefully in a shop close to you.

We participated at the Saltscapes Expo in Halifax, NS and oh boy - was that fun. It was a huge Expo and people were so excited to be out and about. We were able to sample our wonderful mustard again and of course so much other food from fellow companies. Luckily there were a lot of booze, wine and beer. lol 

Another highlight was the Etsy Spring Show in Charlottetown with vendors from PEI, NS and NB. The venue was fantastic - at the Delta Hotel - and it was so much fun to see so many people supporting local makers.

But, with every sunshine, there is some shadow. On Good Friday we lost of beloved dog Kurt. A lot of people know him from the Farmer's Market and the social media posts. He was our supervisor, cookie tester, our sunshine, our family, our everything. We are still devastated and can not believe that he left us way too early. We miss him and his wet kisses, his big smile and his unconditional love and happiness. We will always love you Kurt. 

Kurt, the dog

Mother's Day is approaching and we put some of our finest products together in three different Gift Boxes. Your mom always deserves the best, right?

A recipe will follow soon and I am sure you will like it.

With a heavy heart

Sabine - the Mustard Lady