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Add some colour to your cheese board

by Sabine Schoenknecht on June 26, 2023

The right cheese board mustard


Everyone loves cheese - no matter what kind. There are so many kinds of cheese, even dairy free cheese are so delicious and you can't tell the difference. That is why cheese boards are so popular. Having a cheese board to entertaining guest is super easy, delicious and everyone can take what they desire. 

Adding fruit, dips and mustard to the board elevates the board to the next level. They go really well with cheese and enhance the flavour even more.

There is no right or wrong to build a cheese board - whatever you like. Having crackers, cheese sticks, bread, cookies with it. You are the chef. 

Cheese board with mustard

We love to offer our Sweet & Purple Mustard to cheese boards. This mustard has the sweetness from the honey and the fruity/tangy taste from the Haskap berries. A great combination for cheese. Worth a try. 


Your Mustard Lady


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