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Spaghetti with mushroom sauce

by Sabine Schoenknecht on August 17, 2024

This is a recipe I HAVE to make very often because it is Micha's favourite. He just loves it. And I am happy to do it because it is very easy and quick to make. A win - win! 

For 2 persons:

Cook the spaghetti as directed on the package.

Cut the onions and cook them in the pan. Wash and cut the mushrooms and add them to the onions.


Season with salt & pepper, add the green peppercorn and the mustard.

When the mushrooms are roasted for a few minutes, sprinkle the flour over them and mix. Then, slowly add some water. When the sauce thickens, add some cream. You can use only cream, but it is too heavy for me. Add more water or cream to your liking. 

Poor the water from the spaghetti when they are done, place on a plate and add the sauce over it. Sprinkle some parmesan on top. Done.

I hope you will enjoy it as much as we did.

Your Mustard Lady


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