The very best ingredients make for the tastiest mustard pickles! Our original PEI Mustard Pickles are made with local cucumbers and onions in a creamy sauce. Enjoy them on a...
Get ready to chow down, Maritime-style! A classic Maritime condiment, our green tomato chow is sweet with just a hint of tang. It pairs well with fall and winter dishes...
The MVP of chutneys. Our Rhubarb Chutney is the most versatile preserve you can find. If you have only one chutney in your kitchen, make it this one. Perfect for...
The most delicious chutney for your cheese board.It's true, our PEI Blueberry Chutney is a masterpiece. It's the perfect addition to meat, cheese (try it on a warm camembert!), or...
A chutney, you can't stop eating. This chutney is so delicious, you can't stop eating it. It is best on streaks, burgers, roasts, sandwiches or on backed potatoes. If you...
The very best ingredients make for the tastiest mustard pickles! - the hot version. Our original PEI Mustard Pickles are made with local cucumbers and onions in a creamy sauce. ...