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Beer Goulash for Father's Day

by Sabine Schoenknecht on June 12, 2023

Beer Goulash for Daddy

Father's Day is coming up and of course you like to treat your daddy, your husband or any other father figure special. Why not make him a wonderful dinner. Here is a goulash that is made with beer and our very special Stout mustard.

For 5 portions:

  • 750 g Meat - I always take half pork, half beef, cut in cubes
  • 250 ml Beer - the best is a dark beer
  • 400 ml Broth 
  • 500 g Onions
  • 250 g Champignons
  • 2 Tbsp. Schmalz, oil or butter
  • 3 Tsp. Mustard –  Stout Mustard
  • 1 Tbsp. Tomato paste
  • some salt and peppercorn 
  • some paprika
  • some sour cream if you like

Cut the onions and meat, heat up the oil. First roast the onions and add the meat a bit later. After a few minutes, when the meat is roasted from all sides, add the champignons and the tomato paste and let it roast a bit as well. Then add the beer and the broth and the mustard. Seasoning to taste with the salt, pepper and paprika. 

A pot with goulash and Stout mustard

Now, simmer the meat for about an hour. The meat will fall apart when it is ready. If you like, add some sour cream to make it creamy.

We always eat the goulash with red cabbage and potatoes. I personally like noodles or spaetzle as well. 


The Mustard Lady



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