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Discover the Pear Fig Mustard

by Sabine Schoenknecht on September 27, 2023

Pork loin with a fig-mustard sauce

I came across this wonderful recipe and I was a bit skeptical first, but it was so delicious. Now I would like to share this recipe with you. 

For 4 Portions:

  • 1 Pork Loin
  • some salt and pepper for seasoning
  • Some oil
  • 200 ml Red wine
  • 2 Tbsp Honey
  • 3 Figs (I used dry ones - they worked fine)
  • 2 Tsp Pear Fig Mustard
  • 50 ml Sour cream
  • Rice 
  • 2Tsp Curry (for the rice)
  • 1 Tbsp. Butter (for the rice)
  • Salt, Pepper and nutmeg for the sauce

The season the pork loin, heat up some oil in a pan (with a lid) and roast the meat for 15 - 20 min. The internal temperature should be over 75 degrees F. 

Meanwhile, cook the rice and prepare the sauce. For the sauce, heat up most of  the wine with the honey, cut the fig into small pieces and add to the sauce. Set aside when done.

When the meat is ready, take it out of the pan and keep warm. Add the rest of the red wine to the pan and let it reduce a bit. Add the red wine-honey-fig mix. Add the mustard, salt, pepper, some nutmeg and the sour cream.

When the rice is almost done, heat up the butter and mix the curry into the butter. Add the rice when done and mix. Season to taste.

Cut the meat into slices, place on plate and serve with sauce, rice and some vegetable or salad.


Your Mustard Lady


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