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Hearty Stew with Swiss Chard and Lentils

by Sabine Schoenknecht on July 23, 2023

Lentil – Swiss Chard Stew

 A wonderful delicious and hearty recipe which can be made with fresh Swiss Chard or frozen one. I always harvest Swiss Chard, wash and cut it, steam it and freeze it. It’s great for this dish.

Recipe is for 2 persons

  • 250 g Swiss Chard
  • 250 g Lentils, red
  • 1 Onion
  • 2 Garlic cloves
  • 2 Tbsp. Butter
  • 2 Tsp Roasted Garlic Mustard
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Ginger powder
  • Turmeric
  • Some Broth

Wash the Swiss Chard and cut it small pieces. Cut onion and garlic on small cubes. Place the lentils in a colander and wash it with running water, let it drain.

Cook the lentils separate for about 20 minutes. Heat up the butter in a pan and roast the onions and garlic. I added some sausage which I cut in small pieces, That is an add-on, not a must have. Add the Swiss Chard and let it cook till the Swiss Chard “melted”. Then, add the lentils to the pan and let it cook further for another few minutes. Add some broth if you need.

Seasoning with Roasted Garlic Mustard, salt, pepper, turmeric and ginger.

If you like, you can add some grated cheese before serving.


Your Mustard Lady


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