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The Egg salad you won't forget

by Sabine Schoenknecht on June 05, 2023

Egg salad de luxe

Everyone likes egg salad - why not make it a special one? The silver medal winner "Under the Sea" mustard is so delicious on eggs, it's just natural to use it in the egg salad.

For 4 portions:

  • 2-3 eggs (depending on the size)
  • 4 Tsp. Mayonnaise
  • 2 Tsp. Mustard –  Under the Sea Mustard 
  • 4 Tsp. Chive
  • some salt and peppercorn 

Boil the eggs till they are hard. Let them cool down and peel them. Cut the eggs in little cubes using the egg slicer (so much easier). Cut the egg once in slices, turn a quarter clockwise, cut again, turn the egg (careful) again and cut. That should give you wonderful cubes. 

A bowl with minced eggs, mayonnaise and mustard with a jar of mustard and some eggs on the side

Add all the rest of the ingredients with the eggs, mix thoroughly. This recipe is good for 4 toasts.

This recipe can be variated with adding some bacon, pickles or cucumbers or pineapple. 

A slice of bread with egg salad on top and a jar of mustard in the background


Your Mustard Lady


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