We are on vacation to see our family in Germany
The shop will be open again mid April
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Mustard Recipes filter by bacon

Filled Butternut with Herb-cheese

Filled Butternut with Herb-cheese

I was suspicious when I found this recipe, but I tried it. What should I...
on November 20, 2023
Bacon Wrapped potatoes with hot mustard

Bacon - Potatoes with Fire

Bacon - Potatoes Now, this is very easy, very delicious and great finger food when...
on March 13, 2023
Elvis burger with peanut butter mustard

Make your own Elvis burger

Burger with Peanut Butter Mustard, bacon and pickles Ingredients: Fresh burger bun Beef patty Peanut...
on February 27, 2023
A bread with the Sauerkraut mustard

Bread with Sauerkraut and Bacon

Sauerkraut Bread This recipe is for 2 smaller loaves of about 630 g each 20...
on February 17, 2023
A baked Pizza

Who Likes PIZZA???

Pizza Pizza   Who doesn't like pizza? We LOVE pizza - and we love mustard. So...
on February 06, 2023
Sauerkraut Bread

Sauerkraut Bread

Surprise your family and friends with this wonderful delicious bread. I love baking bread (when...
on December 14, 2022